Capai tubuh ideal dengan perawat non-invasif dengan hasil instan yang bertahan lama.

Fat Burn Wraps is Lavalen’s pioneer therapy which helps the individuals to lose weight naturally by making use of the body’s own ability to burn excess fat.

This cold wrap can breaks down fat cells speedily, increases cellular metabolism, improves skin tone and enhances the silhouette.

FMS works by simply encouraging the depletion of heat energy from within the body. 

This forces the body to compensate for the loss of heat energy by tapping into its accumulation of fats to ‘burn’ off. as energy.

Body Sculpting
Fat Burn
Increase Metabolism
Reduce Water Retention

Who This Is For

Suitable for women who have given birth

People with loose skin


You will feel a cold sensation because your body temperature will naturally drop several degrees and to burn fat as a energy.

The Body Wrap is a method for helping to visually slenderize and contour your body shape and visibly tighten your skin in only 25 minutes. It involves wrapping the body in porous elastic bandages soaked in a special mineral solution.

You can do two to three wraps a week.

You can do this treatment 3 months after normal giving birth and at least 6 months after giving birth by cesarean


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